Saturday, January 31, 2009

UMH Office

The UMH office will be closed until the power is restored to the eastern Clark County area. There is a post on the web site stating that deadlines will be extended for the magazine and the rule book ads. The rule book ads are an especially good value for $150. You receive a full black and white page. Exhibitors will have easy access to your information becuase rule books are usually close at hand. If SRF can be of any assistance, let us know. The UMH office should be up and running toward the first of next week.

Friday, January 30, 2009

KY Weather Problems

The weather continues to be a challenge in Kentucky. Over 600,000 homes are without power including several of the Mountain Horse owners and trainers across the state. We continue to have electricity here at home and in the barn. Robert and the boys have walked our horses on the hot walker but it is too icy to take them to the arena. We are expecting the ice to thaw here by Sunday . . . and then another system is moving in. Oh the joys of winter!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

See what a good time the horses are having. The roads are terrible and there are many without power. We are fortunate . . . so far.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Here in central Kentucky we are experiencing the worst ice storm in many years. Rain continues to fall coverind everything in sight with ice. We have managed to keep our electricity but many folks are without power. Fortunately, the horses don't seem to mind. They are playing in the fields just like kids.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Robert and I would like to welcome everyone to our new blog! This venue will give us the opportunity to post information about what is going on at the farm and it will allow us to stay even more connected with everyone. Let us know what you think . . .