Saturday, November 14, 2009

SRF Welcomes Joan Miller to Apprenticeship Program

Joan Miller from Millersburg, OH joined the SRF team last Monday to begin an apprenticeship. She will be coming for one week sessions as she can schedule time off work. Joan has has quite a bit of horse experience (even barrel racing) but she felt the need to establish a more firm foundation in order to work with her Rocky Mountain mare. We had a great time with her this week. She worked with Robert in the round pen quite extensively. She also rode several horses throughout the week. She's posted some of her experiences on Facebook. We can't wait for her next visit.

1 comment:

  1. I am thrilled to finally be working towards my dream of someday working in the horse industry and I am blessed to have found Bob, Lyngle, Charlie, Erin and even "Baby Ruby" :) to share their expertise and extensive knowledge of gaited horses with me.

    I had such a great vacation and learning experience with you all and look foward to completing my apprenticeship program with your family.
