Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Accident

There has been another unfortunate riding accident in the Mountain Horse community. John Haddix was hurt last Wednesday evening while working a 3 year old in the round pen. She bucked and he came down on the saddle breaking his pelvis. He is currently at the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington, KY. He was scheduled for surgery last week but was bumped. He is expecting to have surgery in the morning where his doctor will insert a plate to help stabilize his pelvis. He will probably stay in the hospital a week or so and then move on to a rehab center for awhile. Please be in prayer for a successful surgery. John has a full time job in addition to training a few horses in the evening. While he has health insurance there is on policy for accidents. His family and friends are rallying around to help. He also has a couple of high school boys who work for him. Robert and I went to see him today. He has a positive attitude and is not currently in pain (meds help ). We are hoping for a full recovery within a few months.

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